I used a large depth of field, high contrast and interesting framing, as well as lighting.
My idea for this picture was to create an interesting portrait that would show the subject from a different angle, rather than just straight on. I think that the depth of field and contrast allow you to keep your focus on the subject.
For this image, i directed the subject to lay on the bed, kind of hanging off. I directed my light source right at her and experimented with the angles of the camera.
I wanted to capture the subject from an interesting angle. I feel like when most people think of a portrait they think it has to mean a straight on capture. But i like the idea of playing with the different angles, because I feel that they can portray different emotions in the image.
I think that this image speaks a little bit on fatigue. The subject looks like she is relaxing.
Some people interpreted this image as somewhat sexual, others thought that she looked emotionally torn. People felt that this image worked in terms of perspective, depth of field, and the way the girls hair was falling, as well as the lighting. The group that all of the picture could belong in a series.
I wanted to frame subject so that we could see the shadows of her back. I also wanted a high contrast image to emphasize those shadows.
My idea for this picture was to capture the beauty in women. I think there is more to our beauty than just our breasts and butts. And I wanted the shadows to really emphasize the curves.
A tripod. A lamp. And A LOT of timed pictures, checking and re-adjusting, until I got what i was looking for.
I think that a lot of stress is put on women to have these perfect proportions, but I think that it tends to be forgotten, by men and women, that there is so much more of our bodies to find beautiful. I think that the way that the light is hitting the curves and muscles in the back, and the way it creates shadows in her fingers and light in the hair, is a representation of the beauty we take for granted.
I think this image could be used for a True Beauty Campaign, such as the ones that are being led by Dove.
The group felt that this image was portraying feminism, and reminded them of a ballet dancer, or fatigue, the way the girl is holding her shoulder. The group felt that the image worked in terms of contrast. They thought that this might be a good jumping off point for a series exploring the beauty of women, and I couldnt agree more. The only suggestion made, was to lighten it up a little.
I used depth of field, contrast and perspective to create a grungy angry looking picture.
My idea was to capture a my little sister in a dark kind of perspective. I think that with the use of the umbrella , and the lighting, it kind of hides her face, and also her intentions. You dont really know what she is hiding.
I used the umbrella, and had my other little sister shoot water over us with a garden hose.
I intended on using a larger f-stop, to have less depth of field, but ended up doing it backwards. I also used a high shutter speed, so that I could capture the rain drops.
I wanted to take a picture of my little sister that hid her personality, but in hiding it expressed it. My little sister has a tough past, with a lot of bullying, and I think that the lighting and the shadows really add to the feeling that she is angry. The rain drops add a sad feeling to this image.
I think this image could be used in a anti-bullying or child abuse campaign.
The group felt that there was a definite unknown quality to the image and the girl. The felt that this image was one of a troublemaker. They felt that the composition, contrast and the way the subject fills the frame where all good. But maybe more focus could be used. There were no print suggestions, but people thought that this image could be in a series, telling the girls story.
I used perspective to create an interesting piece; Contrast to accentuate the shadows and highlights in the girls face; and movement, because her arm leads you to look at her face.
The Idea behind this image was to create something with little depth of field. I had shot a picture about 5 years ago, with my little sister and her feet crossed behind her, and wanted to re create something similar. Kind of a "Now" and "Then" kind of image.
I used a previos photograph I had taken for the inspiration behind this image. I just told the girl to face the light coming from the window, and to lay her arm out towards the camera.
I thought it might be neat to recreate the photograph of the same girl i had taken 5 years earlier. I wish i had the image to compare the two. I just know that the older photograph is very scratched and grainy.
I think this image could be used to portray how children grow. I think this image has some emotion to it. Like the girl almost has something on her mind.
The group thought that this image had a lazy feel to it, and a little sad, like the girl had something to talk about. The group liked the way that the arm was drawing in their attention. They felt that this image could be a jumping off point to a series about little kids, and what they go through. Suggestion included making the image less blurry, to make the highlights stand out a little more, and to maybe crop the face.
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