Try to imagine a place from your past. Do you have pictures of this place? Describe this place as you remember it. What might a photograph look like of this place if you were to go back and photograph it? What would it look like in the past? What would it look like to you today? Where are you standing in this place? What other items are in this place? What colors do you see? Are there other people or are you alone? Make a “written photograph” of this place using words/description.
I imagined a place from my childhood; my grandfathers attic. It was my favorite place when I was little because it had all of my father's old toys, and a hammock and a ping pong table. And I used to just spend hours in there playing....
Unfortunately I have no pictures of the attic. I remember the way the dust used to swirl in the windows, and how you could really see it in the light. And the ladder you would have to pull down in order to climb up into the attic. The ping pong table was right in the middle, and I used to fill the hammock with stuffed animals. And sometimes I would set up a game of checkers, and make it look like the animals were playing checkers. And there was a lamp hanging over the ping pong table.
I think that if I were to take a picture of this attic today, I would climb up the ladder, turn around just as my head was peeking up and snap a picture, with the ping pong table above me, the light on, and the dust swirling in the sunlight, underneith the windows. And the hammock in the back, slightly in focus. That way it would remind me of when I was little, looking up at everything.
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