Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog #12

#12 Memory of a Photograph: Which photograph from your past do you remember most? Describe this photograph. Describe how it makes you feel when you remember/think about this photograph. How have you changed? How has the place in this photograph changed? What would a reenactment of this photograph look like? Would you act or look differently if you reenacted this scene today? 

The picture that comes into my head, is a picture of me and some high school friends dancing in the rain. I think this picture is important to me, because it represents a very liberating time of our lives. I remember that we were seniors in high school, and it was towards the end of the year. We were standing outside and out of nowhere it started raining. It was warm outside and we just ran and danced around in it, and grabbed a camera and snapped a picture. It's a picture we all have. And every once in a while we like to remind ourselves of that feeling of freedom and how we felt totally untouchable. I know that the end of high school meant the begining of something completely unaware, and liberating. 

I think we have all kind of forgotten this feeling since then. I think that we have all gotten very caught up in the our every day lives since then, and none of us really keep in touch. One of us ended up getting all tattooed up, and some of us chopped off all our hair. I think it would be interesting to recreate this picture, with our hair and faces all wet from the rain... but maybe in a few more years, when we can once again feel liberated.  

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